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Ayurvedic Medicine for Arthritic & Skin Ailments

Guggulu Thikthakam Kashayam - 200 ml

An ayurvedic formulation to treat various types of skin diseases including chronic wounds and ulcers, scabies, pruritis etc. It also has remarkable effects on arthritic ailments like pain, swelling & inflammation.

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MRP ₹262 (₹1.31/ml)
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This kashayam is a specific combination of guggulu, nimba, amritha, vrisha, patola etc. which cures chronic skin diseases. The herbs in this act as blood purifier that help to fight inflammation and infections; thus helps to heal wounds, ulcers and other deep seated skin disorders. The proven anti-inflammatory herb i.e. guggulu, is present in this kashayam that helps to fasten the healing process. The anti-bacterial and fungicidal property of nimba helps to cure the infections. It also has remarkable results in the treatment of severe rheumatism, early stages of tumor and cancer.


  1. Treats Rheumatic joint pains
  2. Treats skin diseases
  3. Excellent medicine for all types of inflammations 
  4. Useful in the treatment of psoriasis

Direction of Use

As directed by the physician. Get Free Ayurvedic Consultation


Composition: Each 10 ml is prepared out of
S.No. Sanskrit Name Botanical Name Parts Used Qty
1 Nimba Azadirachta inaica St Bk 0.673 g
2 Amritha Tinospora cordifolia St 0.673 g
3 Vrisha Adhatoda zeylanica Rt 0.673 g
4 Patola  Trichosanthes dioica Pl 0.673 g
5 Nidigdhika  Solanum xanthocarpum Pl. 0.673 g
6 Pata Cyclea peltata Rt 0.673 g
7 Vidanga Embelia ribes Fr 0.673 g
8 Suradaru Cedrus deodara  Ht Wd 0.673 g
9 Gajopakulya Scindapsus officinalis Dr.Fr 0.673 g
10 Nagara Zingiber officinale Rz 0.673 g
11 Nisa Curcuma longa Rz. 0.673 g
12 Misi  Foeniculum vulgare Fr 0.673 g
13 Chavya  Piper brachystachyum Rt 0.673 g
14 Kushta  Sausurea lappa Rt 0.673 g
15 Thejovathi  Zanthoxylum alatum Fl 0.673 g
16 Maricha  Piper nigrum Dr.Fr 0.673 g
17 Deepyaka Trachispermum roxburghianum Dr.Fr 0.673 g
18 Vatsaka Holarrhena antidysenterica St 0.673 g
19 Agni Plmbago rosea Rt. 0.673 g
20 Rohini Picrorhiza kurroa Rt 0.673 g
21 Arushkara  Semecarpus anacardium Fr 0.673 g
22 Vacha  Acorus calamus Rz 0.673 g
23 Kanamoola  Piper longum Rt. 0.673 g
24 Yuktha  Alpinia calcarata Rt 0.673 g
25 Manjishta  Rubia cordifolia Rt. 0.673 g
26 Athivisha  Aconitum heterophyllum Rz 0.673 g
27 Visha  Aconitum ferox Rt 0.673 g
28 Yavani Carum copticum Dr.Fr 0.673 g
29 Gulgulu  Commiphora mukul Exd 3.365 g
Corporate Video
Kairali Ayurvedic Group Corporate Video

Kairali-The Ayurvedic Healing Village, situated amongst the dense jungles of Palakkad, Kerala, is an exquisite symbol of peace and holistic healing. Mr. K.V.Ramesh and Mrs. Gita Ramesh are the pillars behind this grand success. Following which the entire business was taken by their two sons, Mr. Abhilash and Mr. Abishek Ramesh. This family had a long family lineage of Ayurvedic principles and traditions that they thought to spread it into the entire world. The discipline of Ayurveda got lost somewhere down the line but the Ramesh family had decided to give it a name so that this name works for the well-being of the human community.

Corporate Video
Kairali Ayurvedic Group Corporate Video

Kairali-The Ayurvedic Healing Village, situated amongst the dense jungles of Palakkad, Kerala, is an exquisite symbol of peace and holistic healing. Mr. K.V.Ramesh and Mrs. Gita Ramesh are the pillars behind this grand success. Following which the entire business was taken by their two sons, Mr. Abhilash and Mr. Abishek Ramesh. This family had a long family lineage of Ayurvedic principles and traditions that they thought to spread it into the entire world. The discipline of Ayurveda got lost somewhere down the line but the Ramesh family had decided to give it a name so that this name works for the well-being of the human community.

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